Blackberry and Balsamic Chicken (4)

A delicious recipe for when blackberries are in season from Waitrose.

Blackberry and Balsamic Chicken (4)
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Blackberry and Balsamic Chicken (4)
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  1. Preheat the oven to 220oC, gas mark 7. Toss the chicken, potatoes and shallots in a large roasting tin with the oil, lemon juice and honey. Season and roast for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, with a fork, crush 1⁄2 the blackberries in a bowl. Stir in the vinegar and then the remaining whole blackberries.
  2. Lower the oven temperature to 200oC, gas mark 6. Take the roasting tin out of the oven and give the vegetables a stir. Spoon the blackberry dressing over the chicken and nestle in the thyme.
  3. Return to the oven for 25-30 minutes, until everything is golden and sticky, and the chicken is fully cooked, there is no pink meat and the juices run clear.
  4. Meanwhile, boil the kettle and put the round beans in a heatproof bowl. Pour the boiling water over, leave for 4 minutes, then drain and add to the roasting tin for the final 5 minutes of cooking time. Serve straight away.
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