Cabbage with Mustard and Cream (4)

A delicious recipe for slow cooked cabbage from Nigel Slater’s ” Real Good Food”. Serve to accompany sausages or perhaps cold roast pork.

Cabbage with Mustard and Cream (4)
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Cabbage with Mustard and Cream (4)
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  1. Shred the cabbage finely, discarding the tough core, and wash thoroughly.
  2. Melt the butter in a heavy casserole and add the caraway seeds and the cabbage. Cook very gently, covered with a lid, over a low heat until the cabbage is soft. This will take up to an hour.
  3. Pour off any excess butter then season with salt. Stir in the cream and mustard. Bring slowly to the boil then add a squeeze of lemon juice and serve.
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