Cauliflower Bhaji Chaat (4)

A delicious vegetarian supper from Meera Sodha.

Cauliflower Bhaji Chaat (4)
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Cauliflower Bhaji Chaat (4)
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  1. To make the chaat, put the oil in a large frying pan on a medium-high heat and when it’s shimmering hot, add the chickpeas, and cook, tossing regularly, for three minutes.
  2. Add the onion, courgette and tomatoes, and cook, stirring, for three minutes, until the tomatoes start to wrinkle and the onions slump and lose their shape.
  3. Mix in the mango chutney, chaat masala and six tablespoons of water, leave to bubble for a minute, then take off the heat and leave to cool. Once cool, stir in the chopped mint.
  4. Heat the oven to 240C (220C fan)/475F/gas 9 and line two large trays with baking paper. Cut the leaves and base off the cauliflower, but leave the core intact. Cut across the head in 1cm-thick slices, so you end up with several large slices and lots of bits.
  5. Put the chickpea flour, chilli powder, turmeric, cumin, coriander and a teaspoon of salt in a large bowl, then slowly whisk in 250ml water and the tablespoon of oil until you have a smooth batter.
  6. Dip the larger cauliflower slices into the batter to coat, firmly shake off any excess and arrange in a single layer on the trays. When you get to the smaller bits, toss them in the batter with your hands, to coat, and put them on the trays, still keeping everything in one even layer.
  7. Roast for 20 minutes. In the meantime, mix the yoghurt with a quarter-teaspoon of salt and set aside.
  8. Tip the hot cauliflower into a large bowl with the chaat salad, mix and tip out on to four plates. Dollop or drizzle the yoghurt over the top, liberally sprinkle with the remaining mint and serve immediately.
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