Cavolo Nero with Garlic, Olive Oil and Fennel Seeds (4)

Cavolo Nero is one of my favourite winter greens and this is a winning way to cook it from ” The Art of the Larder” by Claire Thomson. It goes very well with grilled meat ( if you do) , but is also good piled on to garlic rubbed toast, with or without some ricotta.

Cavolo Nero with Garlic, Olive Oil and Fennel Seeds (4)
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Cavolo Nero with Garlic, Olive Oil and Fennel Seeds (4)
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  1. Wash the cavolo nero, strip out and discard the tough stems and roughly chop the leaves. Cook in boiling water for about 5 minutes until just tender, then drain well and set aside.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan over a low to medium heat then add the garlic, fennelk seeds and chilli flakes and fry gently. Add the cavolo nero then cover and cook for about 10-15 minutes, checking from timer to time, until the cavolo nero is completely soft and tender.
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