Couscous with Peppers, Chick Peas and Fried Eggs (2)

A bowl of contrasts from Diana Henry.

Couscous with Peppers, Chick Peas and Fried Eggs (2)
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Couscous with Peppers, Chick Peas and Fried Eggs (2)
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  1. Put the couscous in a bowl with the stock or boiling water and 1 tbsp olive oil. Season. Cover the bowl with cling film.
  2. Heat 1½ tbsp of the oil in a frying pan and sauté the onion and pepper until soft and the onion is golden.
  3. Add the garlic and cook for another minute, then add the chickpeas. Stir in the tomato purée, 1½ tbsp harissa and the couscous and season. Add the coriander and lemon juice and check the seasoning.
  4. Fry the eggs in the rest of the oil and put them on top of the couscous. Drizzle with some yogurt.
  5. Mix 2 tsp of harissa with a little extra-virgin olive oil and spoon this on top. Serve immediately.
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