Curry Leaf Mayonnaise ( 1 litre)

This is the mayonnaise from Will Bowlby’s ” Kricket” to serve with the Keralan Fried Chicken recipe.

Curry Leaf Mayonnaise ( 1 litre)
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Curry Leaf Mayonnaise ( 1 litre)
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  1. To make the curry leaf oil, pour the oil in a heavy-based saucepan or kadai, and heat until it is about 180°C (350°F). The oil is hot enough when a cube of bread sizzles when dropped into it. Add the mustard seeds, curry leaves, chillies and ground turmeric, then remove from the heat and leave to cool and infuse.
  2. To make the mayonnaise, put the egg yolks and lemon juice in a blender. With the motor running, gradually pour in the curry leaf oil and blitz together until the mixture thickens and emulsifies.
  3. Add the mustard seeds, curry leaves, chillies and turmeric, then season to taste with sugar, salt and a little more lemon juice if you like. The mayonnaise should be shiny and just hold its shape.
  4. Store in a sterilised jar in the refrigerator for up to a week.
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