Porcini Ragu (2)

A most delicious recipe for pasta using dried porcini mushrooms from ” Mezcla” by Ixta Belfrage. Make sure you prepare all the ingredients before you start cooking.

Broad Bean Hot Pot (4-6)

A favourite spanish dish from ” The Cooking of Spain” by Elizabeth Luard. It is best made when the broad beans are small and tender and the pods can be included. You can use older podded beans or frozen ones if later in the season. It is lovely with thick slices of bread, rubbed with garlic and trickled with olive oil. Any leftovers, drained of extra juices, make a very good tortilla.

Pappardelle with Mixed Wild Mushrooms (2)

Over the past few weeks my local greengrocer Pawsons in Bishopston has on several occasions offered wild and/ or exotic mushrooms at a very reasonable price, leading me to purchase them at least once a week while in season. These have included Blewits, Ceps, Chanterelles, Pieds de Moutons and Trompettes de Mort . This is a recipe I keep returning to, from Jamie Olivers first book ” The Naked Chef” published in 1999. I have adapted it here for two people. Simple but delicious.