A recipe from ” Good Things to Eat” by Lucas Hollweg. He says that although not strictly a crumble, it is equally satisfying. The topping hardens into a delicious softly chewy layer on top of the fruit. Seve with cream or vanilla ice cream.
I was reminded how delicious these meatballs are on a recent visit to the island. I was served a very generous portion which I managed to devour in a restaurant in Platres. They are also very good served cold the following day. This recipe is from ” Home Food” by Olia Hercules.Serve with a salad or stuffed into a pitta with some shredded lettuce, ripe tomatoes , sliced red onions and green pepper, grated feta and tzatziki.
This salad is served in many ways in Israel- perhaps alongside an omelette for breakfast, on flatbread with a lamb shawarma or as a main course in its own right scattered with crumbled white cheese. There are dozens of versions- this is from ” Cherish” by Anne Shooter.