Turkey Hash (2-4)

With Thanksgiving a couple of days ago and Christmas on the horizon I thought it would be timely to post a recipe for leftover Turkey. Its from Nigella Lawson’s ” Nigella’s Christmas”, but she credits the original version to her friend and agent Ed Victor. It goes well with a baked potato and green salad.

Orecchiette with Cauliflower and Dill (2)

I am trying hard not to add to my extensive cookery book collection until I have passed on a few. But when a new Nigel Slater book comes out I just cannot resist . Here is the first recipe I tried from his latest book ” A Cook’s Book”. And very good it is too, especially on the days when you want a quick, comforting cheesy supper. I couldn’t get any dill on this occasion, but use it if you can.