A very good version of this Spanish classic from ” Moorish” by Ben Tish. There have been many times in Spain recently where I have been served these with a mixture of mayo and tomato ketchup and been somewhat disappointed . And the chips are very good on their own too.
This translates as ” old man mix” and there are many different versions but the key components are eggs, anchovies and potatoes in a creamy sauce. This version is from ” The Little Swedish Kitchen” by Rachel Khoo. It’s also good served on toast as a snack, without the salad leaves.
A restorative chicken broth, also known as ” Jewish Penicillin” from the New Covent Garden ” Book of Soups”. It is also traditionally eaten on Shabbat. It’s even better the day after you make it and it freezes well. You can also use a chicken carcass to make the soup.