A delicious chutney which goes very well with smoked mackeral among other things. The recipe is from ” The Women’s Instiute Homemade Jams and Chutneys” by Midge Thomas.
An inspired combination of flavours from ” Desi Kitchen” by Sarah Woods. She developed this recipe with Eid in mind. I can’t think of a better way to break a fast!
A rich version of this dish from ” A Pinch of Salt” by Stephen Ross. Stephen was the chef at Popjoy’s in Bath in the 1970’s and later The Olive Tree Restaurant at the Queensbury Hotel in the same city where these recipes came from. If you have leftovers it is good cold too, but in any event serve with cream.
This is from ” Belgo Cookbook” by Denis Blais and Andre Plisnier. Its a great source for recipes for Mussels ( and indeed other Belgian dishes) so if you eat shellfish and love them as much as i do I recommend hunting out a copy. Mussels are packed with minerals. high in protein and low in saturated fats so one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Enjoy.