Lemon Roasted Feta with Tomatoes (2-4)

A colourful dish for summer which i like to make using cherry tomatoes from ” A Modern Way to Eat” by Anna Jones.You could also serve the roasted feta in a greek salad or crumbled over roasted squash. This will serve two as a main or four as part of a meal. Sometimes i serve this with some home made oven chips, or with warmed pittas or crusty bread to mop up the juice. You could also serve a green salad alongside.

Lemon Roasted Feta with Tomatoes (2-4)
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Lemon Roasted Feta with Tomatoes (2-4)
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  1. Preheat the oven to 220 C, Fan 200 C, Gas 7. Place the feta on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Grate over the zest of half the lemon, sprinkle over the bashed coriander seeds and season with some black pepper. Drizzle with a little oil then roast in the oven for 25 minutes until the feta is starting to turn nicely golden.
  2. While the feta is roasting chop the tomatoes into different chunks and slices and place in a bowl. Season well with salt and pepper and grate over the remaining lemon zest. Drizzle with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil then add half the lemon juice. Taste and add more if needed. Mix well with your hands and leave to meld.
  3. When the feta is roasted put the tomatoes on plates or a platter and scatter over the mint. Use a spoon to dot chunks of feta over the tomatoes and serve straight away.
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