Neeps and Tatties (6)

Neeps and Tatties is a recipe from Scotland. It is  traditionally eaten on Burns night, served alongside haggis. If you dont like haggis, just serve it with a fried egg on top. You can replace the swede with turnips if you prefer.

Neeps and Tatties (6)
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Neeps and Tatties (6)
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  1. Heat a large pan of water with a little salt. When it boils, add the swedes then cover and boil over a medium- low heat for 20 minutes.
  2. Add the potatoes to the pan and cover again. Boil for a further 20 minutes or so until all the vegetables are tender. Drain well.
  3. Mash the vegetables together with the butter, salt and black pepper. You can add a grating of fresh nutmeg if you like. Serve immediately.
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