Orecchiette with Roast Tomato Sauce (4)

A great sauce from Nigel Slater for when you have a glut of cherry tomatoes.

Orecchiette with Roast Tomato Sauce (4)
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Orecchiette with Roast Tomato Sauce (4)
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  1. Remove the stalks from the tomatoes and put the tomatoes into a small roasting tin. Scatter over the garlic and drizzle over a little olive oil.
  2. Put the tomatoes under the grill and cook until their skins are golden brown and black here and there, and their insides are juicy and starting to burst.
  3. Meanwhile cook the pasta in a deep saucepan of generously salted boiling water.
  4. Remove the tomatoes from the grill and crush them with a fork. Drop in the basil leaves and stir them in, then add the cream and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  5. Serve straight away in bowls with some freshly grated Parmesan or pecorino sprinkled over.
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