2spring onionscut into 2.5 cm shreds, including the green parts
Begin by placing the cornflour and cayenne in a bowl.Mix well, then toss the prawns into the bowl and mix well again, using your hands, until all the prawns are well coated.
Sprinkle in the soy sauce and mix once again until they’ve all been coated with that, too. Then cover the bowl and leave in a cool place for about 30 minutes.
Heat about a tablespoon of the groundnut oil (or other flavourless oil) in the pan or wok over a high heat. When it’s really hot, add the cashews and stir-fry for 30 seconds or until golden, then remove them to a plate.
Add the prawns and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, keeping them on the move and tossing them about all the time, until they turn pink.Then remove them to the plate, too, and keep warm.
Add the remaining oil to the pan, along with the garlic and ginger. Let it cook for 30 seconds, then add the broccoli, mushrooms and 1/2 level teaspoon of salt. Stir-fry these over a high heat, again tossing them all around, for about a minute.
Return the prawns and nuts to the pan, turn the heat down to medium, add the rice wine and 2 tablespoons of water and sprinkle in half of the spring onion shreds. Then put a lid on the pan and cook for a further minute.
Serve straight away, with the rest of the spring onion sprinkled over.