Pumpkin Pisto (4)
  1. Toss the pumpkin with the salt and set aside. In a wide saucepan (about 30cm), heat the olive oil over a medium heat, then add the onions with a pinch of salt.
  2. Stir well and cook, stirring often, for 15-20 minutes until the onions are soft and beginning to caramelise. Now add the chopped red pepper, fry for a further 10 minutes, then follow with the garlic, bay leaves and rosemary.
  3. Continue to cook for a couple of minutes, before adding the pumpkin (blotted dry if wet). Reduce the heat and fry for 20 minutes, until the pumpkin is barely tender, turning it every now and then.
  4. Add the oregano or marjoram, nutmeg and cumin, followed by the passata. Cook for 5-10 minutes, until the pumpkin is completely tender, then sprinkle with the vinegar-water, taste and season with salt and pepper if necessary. Serve warm, with the toasted pine nuts on top.