Vanessa’s De Beauvoir Chutney ( 5x 500g jars)
  1. Make sure all your jars are sterilised and have vinegar proof lids. Combine all the ingredients in a large non reactive pan . Stir gently over a medium heat to dissolve the sugar.
  2. Once the sugar has dissolved bring it to a gentle boil and cook, stirring often, until the vegetables are cooked but retain a little crunch. The mixture should be glossy and thick- a wooden spoon dragged across the bottom of the pan should make the ingredients part for a couple of seconds before coming back together.
  3. Let the chutney cool for 5 minutes before ladling into the warm sterilised jars, ensuring there are no air bubbles. Screw on the lids loosely and when cool tighten them up and label the jars, including the date.