Smoked Haddock and Lentil Stew (4)

A recipe inspired by Kedgeree from ” A Change of Appetite” by Diana Henry. Serve with some Indian Lime Pickle if you have it.

Smoked Haddock and Lentil Stew (4)
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Smoked Haddock and Lentil Stew (4)
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  1. Finely chop one of the onions and finely slice the other. Heat the butter in a saucepan and sauté the chopped onion until soft and slightly coloured.
  2. Add the spices and cook for a further two minutes. Add the rice, potato and stock and bring to the boil. Season. Turn down to medium and simmer gently until the potatoes are tender.
  3. While this is happening put the lentils into a pot on their own and cover with water. Bring to the boil, add a bay leaf and some seasoning, then turn down the heat and simmer until just tender. This could take 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the age of the lentils.
  4. When they are tender drain and add to the potato broth with the cream to heat through, then add the fish and allow it to poach gently until cooked, about two minutes. It's really important not to overcook this or to agitate it too much; you don't want it to flake into little bits. Gently stir in the coriander.
  5. While the fish is cooking, quickly fry the sliced onion on a high heat in the oil until golden. Add the sugar and let the onions caramelise and darken. Squeeze on the lime juice. Spoon some onions on top of each serving.
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