Oyster Mushroom Noodles (2)

A vegetarian noodle dish with Eastern European influences. Be patient when you are frying the onions- they need to be caramelised slowly so do not be tempted to rush them. My supermarket had no fresh egg noodles but they did have Lentil Protein Noodles and they worked well. Don’t be put of by the long list of ingredients- its quite easy to prepare. The recipe is from ” Mezcla” by Ixta Belfrage and is so good i will make it on repeat.

Potato, Cheddar and Spring Onion Rolls (makes 8-16)

In December my Community Orchard had a bring and share Christmas social. I wanted something that was easy to prepare and cooked these delicious rolls which everyone appreciated. They are very moreish and my photo doesn’t really do them justice. Do give them a try if you are looking for a vegetarian version of a ” sausage” roll- they are much better than shop bought versions. The recipe is from ” Notes from a Small Kitchen Island ” by Debora Robertson.

Brussels Sprouts with Baked Eggs (4)

Its coming on Christmas They’re cutting down trees and Tis the season of Brussels Sprouts. I have to admit that they are one of my favourite vegetables and i always look forward to their appearance at my local Greengrocers. This is the first dish I cooked with them this year- a one pan recipe for brunch or supper from Gill Meller. But I will be posting a few more recipes to encourage you all to eat more of these delicious vegetables.