Vietnamese Chicken and Mint Salad (2-4)

A delicious and healthy salad from ” Nigella Bites” by Nigella Lawson.

Vietnamese Chicken and Mint Salad (2-4)
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Vietnamese Chicken and Mint Salad (2-4)
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  1. In a bowl, combine the chilli, garlic, sugar, vinegar, lime juice, fish sauce, oil, onion and black pepper to taste. Put to one side for half an hour.
  2. Then in a big plate or bowl, mix the cabbage, carrot, chicken and mint.
  3. Pour over the onion-soused, chilli-flecked dressing and toss very well so that everything is combined and covered thinly.
  4. Check seasoning then serve with maybe a bit more mint chopped on top.
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