Wok-cooked Fragrant Mussels (4-6)

An easy Thai style recipe from Jamie Oliver’s ” The Return of the Naked Chef”. Serve with plain boiled , steamed or coconut rice.

Wok-cooked Fragrant Mussels (4-6)
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Wok-cooked Fragrant Mussels (4-6)
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  1. Discard any mussels that are broken or that do not fully close when firmly tapped. Put the mussels into a large very hot wok with a couple of lugs of oil.
  2. Shake around quickly then add the rest of the ingredients apart from the lime juice and coconut milk. Keep turning over until all the mussels have opened and discard any that remain closed.
  3. Squeeze in the lime juice and add the coconut milk. Bring to the boil and serve immediately with rice.
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